Wow Classic Reset Pet Training Points

As they level up and become happier with you they gain more points.
Wow classic reset pet training points. The pet trainer only offers the ability to reset the pets beast training points no offer to reset talents. Pet level 60 60 loyalty level 6 best friend 6 6. First your guide link has the title classic hunter training calc instead of classic hunter pet guide second an explanation on how to build pets would be a nice addition to the calculator so new and inexperienced players can get an idea on how they should build their companions for different situations such as leveling tanking trash specific boss mobs raiding and pvp. At this point prioritise stam and armor and try to nab higher fire resistance as this damage tends to be very high.
I have looked everywhere but can t find anyone to reset talent points. Pets gain training points based on their loyalty and level. Those arnt pet talents those are your talents. Training points or tp s are points earned by hunter pets and spent on training pet abilites pets earn points by leveling and growing more loyal to their hunter master.
In addition your pet must have enough training points available to afford the skill. In addition your pet must have enough training points to learn that skill. Select a pet family. The actual formula is level loyalty 1.
Training points 300 min. The most you will have at levl 70 will be 6 1 x 70 350. Equal to 225 training pts. Don t forget there is no need to reset points.
Pets must be high enough level to learn the skills and some skills can only be learned by certain families of pets. Reteach only the highest of each talent to the pet and it will save you a few training points in the end. Growl can always be trained for free even if the pet has zero training points. You can have them reset at the hunter trainer but it costs money i think the first is 1 gold.
Also of note go to the pet trainer and unlearn your pet of it s skills from time to time. Plan and share your pet s abilities for your classic hunter and see what you can select with your training points level and pet loyalty. Training points are used to spec the pet in various ways including passive modifications such as cobra reflexes avoidance increased armor health and resistances as well as active abilities such as growl cower and.