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Helps promote optimal digestibility with an exclusive formula including very high quality proteins and a balanced supply of dietary fibre.

Petbarn royal canin dry dog food. This formula is enriched with epa dha and contains nutrients that help support a healthy skin and coat. This is a single source protein meat with white rice or potato. Supports dental health with calcium chelators to help reduce tartar formation. Thinking of getting a cat.

18kg bags for 47 99. This is also our best seller and great value for money. With carefully selected flavourings this. Also helps maintain ideal weight and support the puppy s.

Royal canin german sherpherd puppy dog food supports the health of german shepherd puppy s sensitive digestive system with highly digestible l i p. Black hawk large breed. Supercoat beef adult dog food 18kg. Supercoat kangaroo active adult dog food 18kg.

There is a wide range of flavour and kibble size. Pet barn super premium. 18kg bags for 47 99. Royal canin cat food caters to the different needs of indoor and outdoor cats from hairballs to healthy coats while their dog food can help your canine maintain a healthy weight and manage other health issues.

Royal canin diets provide. Royal canin golden retriever adult dog food contains epa dha and is enriched with borage oil to help maintain skin and coat health and supports the skin s barrier role with an exclusive complex. Dog 113 cat 1 availability. Royal canin medium adult dog food helps support the dog s natural defences with antioxidant complex and manno oligo saccharides.

Available in puppy adult large breed small breed and senior. Close helping cats and dogs live their healthiest lives. With carefully selected flavourings this formula satisfies the. Royal canin labrador dog food.

This specific formula helps support healthy bones and joints with adapted calcium and phosphorus content. 12kg bags for 82 99. 43 99 on repeat delivery. From 34 39 on repeat delivery.

Shop our range of royal canin dog foods today. A super premium hypoallergenic dry dog food highly palatable wheat and gluten free. It supports large breed dogs bones and joints placed under stress and contains enriched omega 3 fatty acids epa dha to help maintain a healthy skin. Contains specific nutrients to help support good cardiac functions including taurine and helps maintain the ideal weight of adult golden retriever with an adapted calorie content.

Proteins and promoting a balance in the intestinal flora and good stool quality. All varieties of royal canin dog food have been scientifically formulated to ensure that they contain everything your dog needs to be healthy based on the specific requirements of their age breed size and state of health. It is enriched with omega 3 fatty acids epa dha to help maintain a healthy skin. Royal canin mini adult dog food helps maintain ideal weight in small breed dogs by perfectly meeting their high energy needs and promoting fat metabolism by l carnitine.

Royal canin maxi adult dog food helps promote optimal digestibility with an exclusive formula including very high quality proteins and a balanced supply of dietary fibre. We ve got tasty and nutritious royal canin pet food for all ages at petbarn from kittens and puppies right through to seniors. Breeders and professional portal. We are proud to stock our own brand food.

Check out our exclusive online offers to save even more. Show in stock only 115 brand. Vet portal log in. Language translations feature headerbar bag my account.

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