Maine Coon Kittens Pacific Northwest

At the portland or january show mckenzie went.
Maine coon kittens pacific northwest. 6th best alter northwest region 2018 2019 best maine coon alter northwest region 2018 2019. We are located near snohomish washington in the beautiful pacific northwest. Photos by helmi and chanan. Tica s best maine coon cat northwest region broadsway red corvette of cascademtn tica s 14th best cat northwest region cascademtn deschutes.
Free roaming cats are superb predators who will kill many millions of songbirds and other feathered friends every year. Aoi neko is a small hobby cattery located in the beautiful pacific northwest in washington state. Rw supreme grand champion alter bigrivercoon smoke jumper. Deschutes was the very best kitten at the january 2008 pacific outlaws show and 5th best kitten at the born free show in arcadia.
The maine coon is among the largest domesticated breeds of cat. My maine coon cattery is registered with both the international cat association tica and the cat fancy association cfa. Our cats are the center of our family involved with everything we do. Best maine coon kitten northwest region 2017 2018 5th best cat northwest region 2017 2018 2nd best maine coon northwest region 2017 2018.
The breed s colors vary widely with only lilac and chocolate disallowed for pedigree. If your cat goes outside be prepared to deal with dead or worse dying birds and small mammals mice voles baby rabbits snakes and other wounded creatures that your cat may leave on your doorstep or bring into your home. They love to follow us from room to room helping us with our daily tasks.